

 Argument An argument consists of a set of statements or propositions, one of which is the conclusion or claim while the others are premises or grounds. The conclusion is the claim, point, or position which one wants to establish, while the premises are the reasons for maintaining such position A Statement or Proposition is a sentence that can either be true or false. It is a sentence that has truth value. Components of Arguments Premises: These are propositions of or statements upon which inference is based. They are propositions which serve as grounds, reasons, or justifications for the claim made. There are premise indicators. Conclusion: This is the point, claim or position which one wants to establish. There are conclusion indicators. Premises indicators  Since, as much as,  before, otherwise, the reason is that, maybe derived from,  inview of the fact that. Conclusion indicators  Therefore,  is in the case that,  hence, as a result, proves that, ...

Logic in philosophy

 What is Logic? Logic can be defined as the study of the laws of reasoning. It can be said to be the science of correct reasonings  Reasoning is a type of thought, characterized by making of inferences, which involvesreaching conclusions based on some premises. Accordingly, logic focuses on the process of reasoning; its primary concern is to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning. Laws of Thought   There are three basic laws of thought in Logic The Law of Identity,  The Law of Excluded Middle The Law of Contradiction/Non-contradiction Any sample of good reasoning is expected to conform to these laws The Law of Identity The law of identity states that something is itself and not something else, A true statement is not a false statement. If a statement is true, then, it is true. It can be symbolically represented in the following ways:  P=p or P-P The Law of Excluded Middle The law of excluded middle states that a statement can either be true or false. ...

Solution and it's types

                  Solution and its types solution , in chemistry, a homogenous mixture of two or more substances in relative amounts that can be varied continuously up to what is called the limit of solubility. The term solution is commonly applied to the liquid state of matter, but solutions of gases and solids are possible.                          Types of solution   A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved under the condition at which the solution exists. Unsaturated solutions are solutions in which the amount of dissolved solute is less than the saturation point of the solvent (at that specific temperature gradient). If the amount of dissolved solute is equal to the saturation point of the solvent, the solution is called a saturated solution Supersaturated solution: A solution that contains more than th...

Freedom And Responsibility

             Freedom Freedom is defined as  the quality or state of being free , such as: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation from slavery or from the power of another. Freedom refers to  a state of independence where you can do what you like without any restriction by anyone . Moreover, freedom can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom of doing what you can think off. Also, you can feel freedom from within.   What is freedom example? An example of freedom is  the right of U.S. citizens to express their ideas and opinions . An example of freedom is a prisoner being let out of prison after serving their time. The condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance.     why freedom is it important? Freedom is  a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act ...

All You Need To Know About Responsibility

                                          R esponsibility                                                      What is a responsibility Responsibility means  being dependable, making good choices, and taking accountability for your actions . A responsible citizen looks out for the well being of others and understands we all have a part to play in making the world a better place. Being responsible means  being dependable, keeping promises and honoring our commitments . It is accepting the consequences for what we say and do. It also means developing our potential. People who are responsible don't make excuses for their actions or blame others when things go wrong .                What is responsib...

All You Need To Know About Freedom

                                Freedom Freedom is defined as  the quality or state of being free , such as: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation from slavery or from the power of another. Freedom refers to  a state of independence where you can do what you like without any restriction by anyone . Moreover, freedom can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom of doing what you can think off. Also, you can feel freedom from within.   What is freedom example? An example of freedom is  the right of U.S. citizens to express their ideas and opinions . An example of freedom is a prisoner being let out of prison after serving their time. The condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance.     why freedom is it important? Freedo...

Speak on inter House sports

 The Chairman, Dear Parents, Special Guests, Royal Fathers,  Invited Guests, Competition Officials, Staff Members and Students/Pupils of Donum Christi School            It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to our 10th inter-house sports competition which is taking place today at Donum Christi School.           Let me specially salute our staff members who took it upon themselves with courage and determination to put the events of today together. I wish to sincerely appreciate and commend their efforts and commitment towards the sustenance of the academics, sporting and moral culture of Donum Christi School.            The chairmen of this event are parents of the school with proven record of integrity and expression of love and supports to the school. You are welcome.             To our parents who have been able to show up with love, you are welcome...