King Phrost King Phrost Instagram TikTok Youtube Facebook Home Anime DC Marvel youtube Advertise Your Business or Company here. Call or Message on WhatsApp: 09018108402 EDO STATE CULTURE AND TRADITION We arrived at the village. The day has turned dark and grey. The journey was punctuated. We go to meet the Omotomoto , a sort of consort of the gods . A retinue forms behind us. Who Are Edo People, Briefly? Edo State is a diverse state that is predominantly inhabited by the Edoid people, including the Edo (or Bini), Esan, Ora, Akoko-Edo, Owan and Afemai people among others. The most common Edoid language spoken is the Edo language, which is commonly spoken in Benin City. Christianity is the dominant religion in Edo State. Edo people (also known as Bini) now occupy vast areas in the south of Nigeria...