king phrost

King 👑 Phrost King phrost (born 8 june) is an English youtuber He uses a hoodie and face mask when he performs on stage. When asked why he uses a mask during an interview , he stated that "It is to keep a low profile while maintaining the mental image they have given me. He Entertains the best he can. He believes that majority of people will try to shoot down your dreams They will poke holes in your work, dreams and your ideas .....especially when you have little experience and are just starting out. Keep and open mind and listen to their suggestions. But don't let them deplete you or even stop you. Keep calm, it's King Phrost. "But don't get it frosted". how to be Phrostar Follow these steps and you'll be an official phrostar in no time! Go king phrost in my opinion is the best ever youtuber. He has produced a couple of famous movies. To know who the phrostars a...