
Showing posts with the label The Lord's Prayer - in Dialogue

The Lord's Prayer - in Dialogue

  The Lord's Prayer - in Dialogue Our Father Who Art in Heaven. Yes Don't Interrupt me. I amm praying  But You Called Me!! called you! No, I didn't call you.  I'm praying Our Father who art in heaven There You Did It Again. Did what? Called Me. You Said, "our Father  Who Art In Heaven, Well, Here I  Am, What's On Your Mind! But I didn't mean anything by it. I was,  you know, just saying my prayers for the  day. I always say the Lord's Prayer.  It makes me feel good, kind of like fulfilling  a duty. Well, All Right. Go On. Okay Hallowed be Thy name. Hold It Right There. What Do You By what? By "Hallowed be thy Name!" it means, it means....good grief , i don't  know what it means. How in the world  should I know? It's just a part of the  prayer. By the way, what does it mean? it  means     Honored,      Holy  Wonderful. Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what hollowed' meant befor...