
king phrost

                  King 👑 Phrost King phrost (born 8 june) is an English youtuber  He uses a hoodie and face  mask  when he performs on stage. When asked why he uses a  mask  during an interview , he stated that "It is to keep a low profile while maintaining the mental image they have given me. He Entertains the best he can. He believes that majority of people will try to shoot down your dreams They will poke holes in your work, dreams and your ideas .....especially when you have little experience and are just starting out. Keep and open mind and listen to their suggestions. But don't let them deplete you or even stop you. Keep calm, it's King Phrost. "But don't get it frosted". how to be Phrostar Follow these steps and you'll be an official phrostar  in no time! Go king phrost in my opinion is the best ever youtuber. He has produced a couple of famous movies. To know who the phrostars a...

jujutsu kaisen

                                      Jujutsu Kaisen                                      Jujutsu Kaisen  is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2018. Gojo goes extra on episode 20 of  Jujutsu Kaisen , "Nonstandard"- basically reminding us all that we have only seen just snippets of what his real power truly is. We also get to see more of our favorite best friends, Aoi and Yuji. This episode was made for my fangirl heart to truly get more and more smitten with this anime– it kept me so enthralled it felt like it was only two minutes long. From my experience,  Jujutsu Kaisen  is really  good  and worthwhile! Currently, it recently finished its first cour, and though the  anime ...


                                                               A ccountability  A ccountability can be defined  as the quality or state of being  accountable ; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.  Accountability  is a willingness to accept responsibility for our own actions.         The definition of  accountability  is taking or being assigned responsibility for something that you have done or something you are supposed to do.                   An  example  of  accountability  is when an employee, teachers  prefects etc  admits an error  made on a project.                 What is accountability and why is it important? A...

The Lord's Prayer - in Dialogue

  The Lord's Prayer - in Dialogue Our Father Who Art in Heaven. Yes Don't Interrupt me. I amm praying  But You Called Me!! called you! No, I didn't call you.  I'm praying Our Father who art in heaven There You Did It Again. Did what? Called Me. You Said, "our Father  Who Art In Heaven, Well, Here I  Am, What's On Your Mind! But I didn't mean anything by it. I was,  you know, just saying my prayers for the  day. I always say the Lord's Prayer.  It makes me feel good, kind of like fulfilling  a duty. Well, All Right. Go On. Okay Hallowed be Thy name. Hold It Right There. What Do You By what? By "Hallowed be thy Name!" it means, it means....good grief , i don't  know what it means. How in the world  should I know? It's just a part of the  prayer. By the way, what does it mean? it  means     Honored,      Holy  Wonderful. Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what hollowed' meant befor...



A Manifesto for the Position of senior Prefect

King Phrost King Phrost Instagram TikTok Youtube Facebook Home Anime DC Marvel youtube Advertise Your Business or Company here. Call or Message on WhatsApp: 09018108402   Good Afternoon  Vice Principal,                                                                                             Fellow students,                                                                          ...


                                                                Sharks The great white shark, also known as the great white, white shark or "white pointer", is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans.  How do sharks reproduce ? Unlike bony fish, who shed eggs and sperm into the water column,  sharks  have developed internal fertilization as a mode of  reproduction . The male's sexual organ, called a “clasper” is located on the pelvic fin. There are three known methods that  sharks  use to eat. These are 1) filter  feeding , 2) tearing and 3) swallowing the prey whole. Filter  feeding  is the method used by Whale  Sharks , Basking  Sharks  and Megamouths. They  feed  mainly on plankton and, altho...