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Sharks The great white shark, also known as the great white, white shark or "white pointer", is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. How do sharks reproduce ? Unlike bony fish, who shed eggs and sperm into the water column, sharks have developed internal fertilization as a mode of reproduction . The male's sexual organ, called a “clasper” is located on the pelvic fin. There are three known methods that sharks use to eat. These are 1) filter feeding , 2) tearing and 3) swallowing the prey whole. Filter feeding is the method used by Whale Sharks , Basking Sharks and Megamouths. They feed mainly on plankton and, altho...
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INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY Introducing philosoph y to neophytes could be a very interesting affair as well as challenging task. My starting poi nt over the years has been to use the Socratic approach of starting from the position that most people actually have an idea of the discipline than they would agree to. It is simply putting the question bluntly to every student wh at they thought philosophy to be . To this I have been given various answers: Philosophy is thinking about everything. Or philosophy is a critical reflection on life and reality as a whole. Or philosophy is ma n’s attempt to understand himself and his place in the world . Or philosophy is engaged in by mad people. All of these have something to say about philosophy one way or the other. Clearly implied in these definitions is the fact that philosophy is a critical and reflective activity, one that is not meant for simple minds but minds that are ready to interrogate reality. It is not an...